Are you Multitasking today? Everyone does that, right?
We all strongly believe- if we could multitask more, we could achieve more!
In a sea of tasks that we need to accomplish on a daily basis, multitasking seems to be the ultimate life saving technique.
But you know what? — Multitasking doesn’t work! It’s really a very over hyped term!
We are most productive when we focus on one task at a time.
In the past 15 years, there have been days when I wanted to believe that the best way to get all work done quickly (we have so much on our to-do list, don’t we?), was to multitask.
I have seen many business owners try to master multitasking thinking it will allow them to get in touch with all the different client projects at the same time. A wrong way to go!
I have seen in my life, also I have read and listened to many successful entrepreneurs and leaders and almost everyone came to realise at some point in their career that “focus’’ is the key to achieve better results.!
Here’s what really happens when we multitask . . .
Every time we shift our attention from one task to another, we lose time.
And with each new task, we lose focus, and eventually, our energy level takes a nosedive down.
If our brain processes too many tasks at once, none of the jobs get our best effort.
Also, our divided attention slows the progress.
Just think about those times when you are working on one project and get interrupted by a call or an email regarding another one. I am not sure about you but I always had a hard time getting back in the groove with what I was doing in the first place. Can you relate?
So what I do to be more productive? I follow these steps-
- Plan for the next day at the end of my workday and list my priority tasks first
- Time block in my calendar, so I know what I am doing at any given moment
- Turn off all notifications and block as many distractions as possible while focusing on one task
- Give my undivided attention to the task at hand to increase my productivity
So my suggestion is –
Plan ahead
- Get one thing done and do it very well.
- Develop a process to continue it.
- Hand it over to someone capable.
- Move to the next task….
This is the formula that really works to get things done productively. I can manage to do so many things when I manage to force myself to follow these steps (some days I do become a bit of a slack though. 🙁
Doing one thing at a time can give our productivity a big boost. We get more work done, better and faster.
One more thing! Try to add some time to your schedule for daydreaming too. We can’t always be all focused! So why not plan for a bit of slipping away as well? 🙂
This is my story. What do you do to keep yourself focused? Write in the comment section below.
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